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Young Adults "Restoration"


What's In The Name "Restoration"?


Restore - bring back (a previous right, practice, custom, or situation); reinstate (2 Chronicles 29:3-5)

Restoration - an act of restoring; the action of returning something to a former place or condition - reconstruction of the original form (Jeremiah 33:6) 













The Young Adult Component of the dance ministry is called “Restoration.” It allows young adults between ages 17-34 with the heart to worship through movement to come together and share in the growth and experience of building and strengthening their relationship with God through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  It is a requirement to serve at the Young Adult activities as well as other liturgical dance ministry activities as assigned.  This class seeks members who are thirsty to build a closer relationship with God through dance.


Class Objectives:


  • To minister in a variety of dance forms including: ballet, modern, jazz, hip-hop, and other cultural dance in a fashion that is pleasing to God.  

  • To minister with pure hearts and right motives to edify God's people and to edify each other.


Ebenezer A.M.E. Church

7707 Allentown Road

Fort Washington, MD 20744



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